山有木兮木有枝 心悅君兮君不知

20150310you're my favourite faded fantasy @09:14





有時我會自行反省,怎麽會有那麽犯賤的個性,總是成爲男人不壞女人不愛的女生典範。最終得到的結果就是:壞男人總是顯得比較自信,儘管自己只是個八十分男,他也覺得自己是百分百,他不會讓你覺得他配不上你,反而讓你覺得他在施捨與你、他不會讓你覺得你的離開會對他有損,反而你會覺得他的離去會讓你無法繼續你的生活作息。我會喜歡這樣的男生,終究處於我的被動和欠佳的自信心 – 我永遠不會主動,所以要不是男生很自信、主動,我們永遠不會有所進展。這點使我總是把自己限制在謙卑的位置,默默地祈求他不會突然變心。



20140211 @18:35
incongruence, dissonance, conflict

20140112人。情。事。 @23:10

酒+ 零食+ 稍醉的人→ 展開友情的化學成分。


臨走前的 wise words:
"go back and get that boy"


20131231 @23:11
new year's 2013 to genting and back was probably the worst period of my life. nothing's new going on as this year ends and life lapses into 2014. but i'll try to be positive here. i'll give thanks. i am thankful for all i have, thankful i walked out, thankful for finally getting a(n isolated) 4.25, thankful that i am flying off to the land of all hope and dreams. i will become a better person in 2014, smarter, prettier, kinder, nicer. i will become worthy of those i pursue.

please see and help me through it.

thank you.

20131221 @23:15

i've been thinking, for a few days, about this thing i came across on (most probably) tumblr. something about how selfish we are; when people leave us, we're concerned about how said person will no longer provide solace for us, create memories with us - it's always about what we no longer can do without this person, and how the departure incapacitates us. we don't thank them for the past, we resent the future without them.

abrupt jump. the aged old saying about how if you love someone then you'd want to see them happy - even if it's not by your side.

basically, the above led to me conclude i am indeed a selfish person - who probably loved no one, should the two premises hold true.

i've never truly felt happy for anyone that left me. only resent, anger, for the lack of a better word - melancholy, sadness, yearning.

and i always make myself the victim. not at the end. throughout the sustenance of the relationship (friendship), i meticulously (though not necessarily consciously - if you would ignore the irony) act in ways to deliberately put myself at the losing end. for convenience sake - when i am moved on from, i then have the rights to blame and cry. if that's not foreshadowing a faulty ending then what is.

sadly, it's my preferred manifest of what resembles a defence mechanism.

for once, i want to be the one that leaves, not the one that waits tirelessly on someone. my predisposed need for pity (?) obviously precludes that possibility.

well, fuck.

grade point average @13:38
i will graduate with second upper honours.
i will graduate with second upper honours.
i will graduate with second upper honours.
i will graduate with second upper honours.
i will graduate with second upper honours.
i will graduate with second upper honours.
i will graduate with second upper honours.
i will graduate with second upper honours.
i will graduate with second upper honours.
i will graduate with second upper honours.
i will graduate with second upper honours.
i will graduate with second upper honours.
i will graduate with second upper honours.
i will graduate with second upper honours.

i did it. 4.25 this semester. just two more semesters of 4.25 and I WILL GRADUATE WITH SECOND UPPER HONOURS.

20131204 @21:07

我好想你 好想你 卻不露痕跡
我還踮著腳思念 我還任記憶盤旋
我還閉著眼流淚 我還裝作無所謂
我好想你 好想你 卻欺騙自己
我好想你 好想你 就當作秘密
我好想你 好想你 就深藏在心


nothing's worth losing you yet i didn't know how to make you stay


1) Locket
2) Watercolour Bambi
3) keeper of my soul / defender of my heart
4) Penrose triangle


too bad you didn't realise


why goodbye?


"this is why we need historians - the keepers of knowledge"


what burden is it to possess an inability to die


"how's life" how's life? how's life missing the best days of my summer?


Happy Birthday 10/10


i regret all the time and places i've spent and been with you


"Do not confuse her patience with tolerance. " yes. don't.


죽도록 열심히 공부해!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






"If you leave someone at least tell them why, because what's more painful than being abandoned; is knowing you're not worth an explanation."


그 xx


"There’s no need for compromise, you conform. There’s no need to meet halfway, because you’ve already made the whole trip.

You respect his freedom. If he wants to be alone, you’ll let him be. If he wants to explore his options, you’ll let him be. And you wait tirelessly on him."


cus i don't wanna lose you now // the vacancy that sat in my heart is a space that now you hold // show me how to fight for now


The saddest part about giving someone a chance is when you realise they don't need it.




你敢不敢 承認我愛上你的壞
你敢不敢 說恨我 像愛我一樣
你敢不敢 愛一個人 如此卑微
你敢不敢 無視我止不住的眼淚
你敢不敢 說這段 感情的不堪
你敢不敢 愛錯了人 卻不想面對



"They make their wishes and just... Move on."
"I'm afraid I know the feeling... Of what it's like to be moved on from."


Get mildly depressed and lose sleep and repeat routine every fucking night.


"I cry because other people are stupid and that makes me sad"


and i wonder if i ever cross your mind


병이에요 환자에요
아픈 기억은 다 지워요
아마 그댈 알겠죠
많이 사랑했겠죠
그러니까 그댈 지웠겠죠

아마 그댈 알겠죠
많이 사랑했겠죠

그러니까 그댈 지웠겠죠


times new roman > arial


resigned forbearance


that ever elusive victory within


"that's the thing about pain. it demands to be felt."




your callousness is your strongest armour and that is why only i ever feel hurt


日暮的絢爛 彩虹的短暫
你願不願留下陪我 就一晚
你的依戀 你的意念
你殘忍的纏綿 你的世界
你的空間 你模糊的臉


heart upon my sleeve


"death isn’t so bad. because when you notice it, it's not about you. and when it's you, you won’t notice it."

20130807dear you in a parallel universe @23:08
(well more like short messages to several individuals unconcerned enough to never read this blog)

well hi. i don't know. maybe we're just not cool enough. not the kind of crowd you'd like to hang out with. what does time mean to you? is it just a measure of how long have we known each other. or a testament to the strength of our friendship? maybe back then we were the best you could get and subsequently we just got superseded by someone(s) better. for you it always seems that the new is always better. well i guess it's not all that bad except that i really hate a non-reciprocal relationship. i don't know how long i can keep up with this but, we'll see.

and you. hm you. you're a tricky one. i've always liked you enough to tolerate your oddities but you know, there's just one regenerating land mine planted in me that you never fail to deliberately step on. but it doesn't hurt you; you're armoured with your unyielding callousness. it hurts only me. so stop, please?

ah now you. hm. i think the whole episode you had with a certain someone has affected the dynamics in our friendship. i'm very thoroughly sorry but i am a rather judgmental person. i just can't view you the same way anymore. well to be honest i've always felt we'd never click perfectly because.........well........ i've no idea how to say this but, you're just not as smart. i'm not saying i am a genius but i've always been in an environment with fairly intelligent people all my life so, well let's just say it was hard. and it's harder now.

and me, well supposing the theory of parallel universes proves true (which, i suppose theoretically, is highly likely), hello other me. do you think you'll ever be happy in life? what do you think will actually make you happy anyway? do you feel, like me, that you're never just, generally happy? i mean, of course you laugh when you're with people; you're happy to share a joke (or at least provide the track of laughter succeeding one), but like, just...... being happy without any triggers? do you think you can ever do that? i've tried. but the fact that i have to try to be happy... i don't know. it's just depressing to me.

有時候啊真搞不懂 我怎麽明明偏向屬於獨立性的女生卻那麽嚮往談戀愛。嗯 怎麽說呢。也不是不談戀愛就不會快樂;只是覺得有個可以分享一切的人會更快樂吧。不要提朋友也可以。有些因素還是不一樣的啊。



20130528the almost lover x @16:04

We walked along a crowded street
You took my hand and danced with me in the shade
And when you left you kissed my lips
You told me you would never ever forget these images, no

Well, I’d never want to see you unhappy
I thought you’d want the same for me

Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I’m trying not to think about you
Can’t you just let me be?

So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should’ve known you’d bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

I cannot go to the ocean
I cannot try the streets at night
I cannot wake up in the morning
Without you on my mind

So you’re gone and I’m haunted
And I bet you are just fine
Did I make it that easy to walk
Right in and out of my life?

20130520畫心 @18:07

愛 著 你 像   心 跳    難 觸 摸
畫 著 你 畫 不 出 你 的 骨 骼
我 的 心 只 願 為 你 而 割 舍

20130410戒 @22:47


20130323suspect x @18:37

watched this again
still brilliant
"What is more difficult? Inventing an unsolvable problem, or solving one?
And there's an answer to this."

20130315one more night @22:00

actually turned out to be a really nice night
nice car ride / nice flowers / nice ambience / nice date / nice company / nice carlsberg / nice late night ride home
✓ off bucket list

if only we could make it
one more night

20130203그 XX @16:20
有份怨 有份恨 有份怒 最終還是無奈承認 其中還是有份心疼 有份傷

你的味道 沒有變 也沒有 不見 只有 距離變了 以前是貼身的味道 現在是空氣了彌漫的香氣

20130122矛盾 @20:17
楚人有鬻盾与矛者,誉之曰:“吾盾之坚,莫之能陷也。” 又誉其矛曰:“吾矛之利,于物无不陷也。”
年末期你為解愁開始抽吸菸 我說你怎麽瘋了
什麽叫 矛盾
就是我 因爲你 開始 犯了癮

最後 我在吸菸 但你 不會像我勸你一樣 勸我不要這樣

點燃你總抽的香煙 欺騙我無法滿足的嗅覺

20130118 @15:15

20130116what i never told them @20:17
i gave in too much. by some warped logic, i felt sorry that i was rejecting your advances. so i gave in. i gave in when you said "hug me" and pulled my hands around your waist, i didn't pull them away. i gave in when you asked for one on your cheek. i gave in when you hugged me too tightly and i didn't push you away. i gave in by hugging you voluntarily, rare and few, but not non-existent. i gave in that last night, 因爲你說 “我對你這麽好。。。”,你說你好累要我幫你捶背,我屈了。

because i gave in too much, 我現在真的好丟臉。


perhaps i appear to be as nonchalant as you do to me. but really i'm just waiting for an apology. nothing more. but from you it seems like it's one sorry too much to ask for.

20130105我其實沒有愛你 @22:36
我堅信愛一個人時 連他口中吐出的菸都會是香的 可是你每次抱我後 我聞到自己身上沾滿你的菸味我都覺得好令人作嘔

 還有你知道嗎 我昨晚會偷溜走其實是想買菸酒 可是找不到便利商店 今天離開在賭場的你 終於找到了 就買了一包菸 (幹娘的 大馬菸便宜死了 打火機卻貴得不像話)離最後一次碰菸有4-5年了吧 換了牌子抽 沒變的就是我依然討厭事完後留在口中的餘味 5根菸後 回到房間我立刻漱口 狂吃薄荷糖 我不喜歡跟你有一樣的味道